Hippolyte Le Roy attr. — Belle sculpture en platre patiné, prix du Roi de dressage en 1931, restorations

Hippolyte Le Roy attr.

Belle sculpture en platre patiné, prix du Roi de dressage en 1931, restorations
Hippolyte Le Roy attr. — Alternate view

Hippolyte Le Roy attr.

Alternate view
Hippolyte Le Roy attr. — Detail of the riders' portrait

Hippolyte Le Roy attr.

Detail of the riders' portrait
Hippolyte Le Roy attr. — View from the left

Hippolyte Le Roy attr.

View from the left
Hippolyte Le Roy attr. — View from the right

Hippolyte Le Roy attr.

View from the right
Hippolyte Le Roy attr. — Detail of the restoration to the neck of the horse

Hippolyte Le Roy attr.

Detail of the restoration to the neck of the horse
Hippolyte Le Roy attr. — Inscription on the base

Hippolyte Le Roy attr.

Inscription on the base
Hippolyte Le Roy attr. — Indistinct monogram/signature at the corner of the base

Hippolyte Le Roy attr.

Indistinct monogram/signature at the corner of the base

Hippolyte Le Roy attributed to a dressage royal prize 1931

Hippolyte Le Roy (1857-1943) attributed to, horse and rider, a dressage prize, titled on the base: 'Le Bon Fridolin à l'Exercice monté par Mr. Hector Franchomme / Prix du Roi Bruxelles 1931', patinated plaster, height 42 cm, width 47 cm, depth 14,5 cm, very indistinctly signed on the base. Multiple restorations, this plaster is probably unique and served as the orginal model for a bronze cast. 

Periode :  1920-1940

Grootte :  Medium

Prijs :  550,00 €


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