Giovanni Battista Piranesi Tav. VIII Ara antica engraving  — Gravure de Piranesi, l'antiquité représentée. Signée par l'artiste dans la gravure.

Giovanni Battista Piranesi Tav. VIII Ara antica engraving

Gravure de Piranesi, l'antiquité représentée. Signée par l'artiste dans la gravure.
Giovanni Battista Piranesi Tav. VIII Ara antica signature  — Signature of the artist on the bottom right.

Giovanni Battista Piranesi Tav. VIII Ara antica signature

Signature of the artist on the bottom right.
Giovanni Battista Piranesi Tav. VIII Ara antica title — Title of the print on the bottom.

Giovanni Battista Piranesi Tav. VIII Ara antica title

Title of the print on the bottom.
Giovanni Battista Piranesi Tav. VIII Ara antica  — 'Tav. VIII', part of the title written on the top right. 

Giovanni Battista Piranesi Tav. VIII Ara antica

'Tav. VIII', part of the title written on the top right. 

Giovanni Battista Piranesi Tav. VIII Ara antica engraving

Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778) Ara antica. Undated, engraving probably printed in the first half of the 19th century. Dimension of the sheet 57,5 x 43 cm, dimension of the print 43 x 25 cm. Signature of the artist on the bottom right in the image, title of the engraving on the bottom. Text with description of the altar on the right and left side. 'Tav. VIII' on the top right. 

Periode :  1800-1850

Grootte :  Medium

Prijs :  250,00 €


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