Wolfers Frères — Set de 12 couteaux aux lames d'acier, de style L XV, ca. 1890-1895

Wolfers Frères

Set de 12 couteaux aux lames d'acier, de style L XV, ca. 1890-1895
Wolfers Frères — Alternate view

Wolfers Frères

Alternate view
Wolfers Frères — Detail of the engraving and of the handles

Wolfers Frères

Detail of the engraving and of the handles
Wolfers Frères — The knives in their original box

Wolfers Frères

The knives in their original box
Wolfers Frères — the Wolfers mark on the steel blades

Wolfers Frères

the Wolfers mark on the steel blades

Wolfers Frères set of 12 knives in L XVth style

Wolfers Frères (Bruxelles), a rare original set of 12 silver kives with the original marked steel blades, in L XVth style, the model similar to model number 107, the silver apparently unmarked, the blades with the Wolfers mark, length 26,5 cm, the handle engraved with the letters 'LCS' interlaced. A good and rare example of early kives by Wolfers, probably ca. 1890-1895, in their original retailers box by Vermeulen-Volckerick of Antwerp (In de Gouden Kroon). The box worn on the outside.

Periode :  1850-1900

Grootte :  Medium

Prijs :  350,00 €


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