Michel Seuphor (1901-1999)
Past exhibition: Books and Drawings - 25/04/-25/05/2014.
Galerie St-John proudly presents a selling exhibition of drawings by Michel Seuphor. This collection of 10 original drawings and collages is not haphazardly assembled. It is the result of a 39 years long friendship of the original owner Jan D’Haese, poet-writer-gallery owner-collector and artist, with Michel Seuphor. D’Haese and Seuphor met for the first time in 1960. Both had a passion for the work of Guido Gezelle and Paul Van Ostajien. Both were poets. They continued to see each other frequently for the next 39 years. And Jan started collecting the work of his friend.
He did not stop there. D’Haese became active in the organisation of shows in Belgium and as an art critic, started to write articles on Seuphor and helped re-establish the reputation of Seuphor in his home country.
D’Haese and Seuphor also collaborated in the making of rare books, mostly printed by the De Prentenier or Ergo Press private press. Some of these limited editions, art works in their own right, are also shown in our exhibition.
The Seuphor collection of bibliophile books on sale here is built over the course of a decade. Due to the commitment of the collector, mr. X, we are able to show 15 books, each and every one unique examples of the collaboration between Seuphor and his printers Ronald and Rein Ergo.
Today most of the books are sold out, the editions being made in very small numbers. To find a collection of 15 books for sale is a unique possibility and an opportunity that will almost never manifest itself again. This is why we sell the collection as a whole.
Galerie St-John has searched for 4 additional books made by Seuphor and printed by the Ergo’s, which complete the collection of bibliophile books.
At last, this show could not be complete without the showing of tapestries, an integral part of the artist’s body of work. We show two tapestries, limited editions made after drawings by the artist, and with a numbered certificate provided by the editor and signed by Seuphor himself.
Information provided to us by the Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens revealed that the mysterious small exhibition in which some of the drawings here for sale, were shown, took place in the museum from the 2nd of November to the 18th of November 1984. The exhibition was titled Seuphor: Bibliophile Books and a small selection of works (Seuphor: Bibliofiel boek - Klein Ensemble). It showed drawings and books by De Prentenier private press! The opening was done by Jan D'Haese.
30 Years later, the exhibition at Galerie St-John pays hommage to the 1984 show at MDD, with a select ensemble of drawings by the master and an important collection of bibliophile books a.o. by De Prentenier.
Works illustrated below are for sale.
About Michel Seuphor:

Le Totem prefere est sous bonne garde, 1988 (original drawing).
Chinese ink and collage on paper, signed, dated and titled at the back, 67 x 51 cm. Previous exh. Michel Seuphor, Knokke-Heist, 19/12/1992-03/01/1993, cat. nr. 55, ill. p. 66.

Modulation Bleue avec la Verticale, 1973 (original drawing).
Modulation Bleue avec la verticale, chinese ink on blue paper, titled, signed and dated 8th May 1973 at the back, 65 x 50 cm. Catalogue Raisonne 1973-73, exhibited at the Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens in 1984.

Prelude, 1971 (original drawing).
Prelude, chinese ink on paper, signed, dated the 7th of February 1971 and titled at the back, 67 x 51 cm, cat. raisonne 1971-15. Exhibited at the Museum DHondt-Dhaenens in 1984.

La Lyre Cassee II, 1973 (original drawing).
La Lyre Cassee II, chinese ink on paper, titled, signed and dated 17th September 1973 at the back, 67 x 51 cm. Catalogue raisonne 1973-128, exhibited at the Museum DHondt-Dhaenens in 1984.

Exercice Axial, 1967 (original drawing)
Exercice Axial, chinese ink and collage on paper, titled, signed and dated 23rd March 1967, 67 x 51 cm. Catalogue raisonne 1967-25.

Pour le Plaisir, 1973 (original drawing).
Pour le Plaisir, chinese ink on paper, titled, signed and dated 20th April 1973, 67 x 51 cm. Catalogue raisonne 1973-60, exhibited at the Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens in 1984.

L Eventail fascine IV, 1975 (original drawing).
L Eventail fascine IV, chinese ink and collage on paper, titled, signed and dated 2nd February 1975, 51 x 67 cm. Catalogue raisonne 1975-21, exhibited at the Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens in 1984.

Symetrie V, 1970 (original drawing).
Symetrie V, chinese ink on paper, titled, signed and dated 19th October 1970, 67 x 51 cm. Catalogue raisonne 1970-79, exhibited at the Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens in 1984.

Lumiere sur Lumiere, 1991 (book)
Printed and edited by De Prentenier private press (Oostakker), this book number 6/25, 1 b/w illustration and 1 collage, both signed by Seuphor, colophon signed by R.Ergo.

Le Voile du Temple, 1998 (book).
Le Voile du Temple - extrait de Terasses, 1998. One of only 12 (!) copies, this copy numbered 8/12, original etching signed by Seuphor. Edited by De Prentenier/ Ergo Press private press.

Repetition Generale, 1998 (book).
Repetition Generale, an extract from Terrasses, edited and printed by Ergo Press private press, with an etching signed by the artist. This copy number 5 of only 16 made!

L Invite, 1999 (book).
L'Invite, an extract of Le Bazar d'Imuïf, edited and printed by Ergo Press private press, this copy number 5 of 26 made.

Terrasses, 1998 (book).
Terrasses, Seuphors last major bibliophile book, edited and printed by Ergo Press private press, with etchings signed by Seuphor, this copy numbered 10/50.

Le Bazar d Imuif, 1995 (book).
Le Bazar d'Imuif, deluxe edition with slipcase, edited and printed by Ergo Press, with an etching signed by the artist, this copy numbered 32/40.

Orphee, 1996 (book).
Orphee, printed and edited by De Prentenier private press, with two large etchings , signed by the artist. This copy numbered 11/22.

Onze essais de Voix pour un Chant du Soir, 1994 (book).
Onze essais de Voix pour un Chant du Soir, edited and printed by De Prentenier private press, with two original etchings signed by the artist. This copy numbered 2/21.

Seuphorismes, 1988 (book).
Seuphorismes, edited and printed by De Prentenier private press, with one etching sigend by the artist. Short text about Seuphor by Jan D'haese. This copy numbered 12/30.

Le Poete, 1992 (book).
Le Poete, edited and printed by De Prentenier private press, with one etching and one etching/collage by Seuphor, boh signed. This copy numbered 18/25.

Goethe, Herr Jesus, 1994 (book).
Goethe, Herr Jesus, edited and printed by De Prentenier private press, with an etching by Seuphor and an additional text by Jan D'Haese. This copy numbered 12/20.

2 + 2, 1984 (book).
2 + 2 , edited and printed by De Prentenier, with two etchings signed by Seuphor. This copy numbered 11/30.

Hymne a la Vie, 1990 (book).
Hymne a la Vie, edited and printed by De Prentenier, with two etchings by Seuphor. This copy numbered 7/25.

A graver dans le Coeur net, 1995 (book).
A graver dans le Coeur net, edited and printed by De Prentenier, with one etching and an etching/collage by Seuphor. This copy numbered 13/22.