Amédée Cortier — Important oeuvre de 1951, huile sur carton, signée et datée 

Amédée Cortier

Important oeuvre de 1951, huile sur carton, signée et datée 
Amédée Cortier — Signature of the artist and date in pencil, top right

Amédée Cortier

Signature of the artist and date in pencil, top right
Amédée Cortier — Figurative drawing on the back in black, possibly earlier

Amédée Cortier

Figurative drawing on the back in black, possibly earlier

Amédée Cortier Figure in profile 1951

Amédée Cortier (1921-1976), figure in profile, 1951, an important early work, 1951, oil on cardboard, signed and dated in pencil top right, 45 x 35 cm. Provenance: acquired by the previous owners directly from the artist. 

Periode :  1940-1960

Grootte :  Medium

Prijs :  prijs op aanvraag


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