Armand Massonet  — Affiche originale, à restaurer

Armand Massonet

Affiche originale, à restaurer
Armand Massonet — Signature of the artist in the image

Armand Massonet

Signature of the artist in the image
Armand Massonet — Detail of damage

Armand Massonet

Detail of damage
Armand Massonet — Detail of tears at the bottom part

Armand Massonet

Detail of tears at the bottom part

Armand Massonet Bruxelles 1925 6me Foire Commerciale poster

Armand Massonet (Bruxelles 1892 - 1979), Bruxelles 1925 - 6me Foire Commerciale officielle et internationale, original lithographic poster, printed by J.Goffin from Brussels, 100 x 64,5 cm. Folds, tears and some small missing parts, in need of restoration. 

Periode :  1920-1940

Grootte :  Medium

Prijs :  150,00 €


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