J. Noel — Souvenir de la période d'expérience du nouvel materiel, huile sur toile signée et datée 1878

J. Noel

Souvenir de la période d'expérience du nouvel materiel, huile sur toile signée et datée 1878
J. Noel — Back of the canvas

J. Noel

Back of the canvas
J. Noel — Detail of the inscription and dedication at the back, signed by the artist

J. Noel

Detail of the inscription and dedication at the back, signed by the artist

J. Noel the army exercise with new material 1878

J. Noel (Belgian or French school?), the army exercise with new material, 1878, oil on canvas, signed bottom right, and again signed, dated, inscribed and dedidicated on the back of the strecher, 22,5 x 37 cm, dimensions with turn of the century frame 25 x 40 cm. Some damage to the frame.

Periode :  1850-1900

Grootte :  Small

Prijs :  350,00 €


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