Paul De Vree — Détail du dessin, encre et aquarelle sur papier

Paul De Vree

Détail du dessin, encre et aquarelle sur papier
Paul De Vree — Full size of the sheet

Paul De Vree

Full size of the sheet

Paul De Vree certain politics of war and peace drawing

Paul De Vree (Antwerpen 1909-1989), certain politics of war and peace, a drawing, ink and watercolour on paper, 41 x 29,3 cm. unsigned but with inscriptions (by the artist? at the back). Unframed. Acquired by the previous owner directly from the artist together with other works by the artist from the same period. For more information about the artist see: Paul De Vree in MUKHA. The paper slightly browned at the edges, some discoloration visible at the bottom due to moist.

Periode :  1960-1980

Grootte :  Medium

Prijs :  250,00 €


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