Per and Annelise Linnemann-Schmidt (Palshus) — grande coupe en céramique, signée des années '60

Per and Annelise Linnemann-Schmidt (Palshus)

grande coupe en céramique, signée des années '60
Per and Annelise Linnemann-Schmidt (Palshus) — Frontal view of the bowl

Per and Annelise Linnemann-Schmidt (Palshus)

Frontal view of the bowl
Per and Annelise Linnemann-Schmidt (Palshus) — Back of the bowl with signatures on the bottom

Per and Annelise Linnemann-Schmidt (Palshus)

Back of the bowl with signatures on the bottom
Per and Annelise Linnemann-Schmidt (Palshus) — Signature of the artists

Per and Annelise Linnemann-Schmidt (Palshus)

Signature of the artists
Per and Annelise Linnemann-Schmidt (Palshus) — Another signature

Per and Annelise Linnemann-Schmidt (Palshus)

Another signature

Per and Annelise Linnemann-Schmidt (Palshus) a large 1960's dish

Per and Annelise Linnemann-Schmidt (Palshus), a large dish or bowl, chamotte clay, probably 1960"s, diameter 29,4 cm, height 5 cm, signed on the bottom of the base and in perfect condition.

Periode :  1960-1980

Grootte :  Medium

Prijs :  200,00 €


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