Philippe de Bourbon et Bragance — Lavis sur papier, Naples, signé et daté 1883, dédicacé par l'artiste au dos.

Philippe de Bourbon et Bragance

Lavis sur papier, Naples, signé et daté 1883, dédicacé par l'artiste au dos.
Philippe de Bourbon et Bragance — The washed ink drawing without its frame

Philippe de Bourbon et Bragance

The washed ink drawing without its frame
Philippe de Bourbon et Bragance — Signature of the artist and date, bottom left

Philippe de Bourbon et Bragance

Signature of the artist and date, bottom left
Philippe de Bourbon et Bragance — Back of the drawing

Philippe de Bourbon et Bragance

Back of the drawing
Philippe de Bourbon et Bragance — Detail of the dedication on a label at the back

Philippe de Bourbon et Bragance

Detail of the dedication on a label at the back

Philippe de Bourbon et Bragance Naples 1883

Prince Philippe de Bourbon et Bragance (1847-1922), 'Souvenir et impression de Naples' (Souvenir and impression of Naples (Italy), 1883, a washed ink drawing of good quality, signed by the prince and dated bottom left. Dedicated on a label at the back. 48,5 x 34 cm (day measure), dimensions with frame 79,5 x 62,5 cm. In the original oak frame, unexamined out of frame. Given by the artist to a certain Guillaume Laport in Liège in the 1890's. Could this be Guillaume Laport (1827-1895), the gunsmith from Liège?

Periode :  1850-1900

Grootte :  Medium

Prijs :  950,00 €


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